Get Involved
© Underwater Earth/XL Catlin Seaview Survey/Christophe Bailhache
The passionate ocean lovers and marine scientists around the Sydney Coast host a wide choice of citizen science, ocean restoration and other projects you can support . Explore some of the projects and activities you can join here and see how you can act to help protect our Sydney Coast Hope Spot.
Wild Sydney Harbour
Wild Sydney Harbour is a citizen science program aimed at promoting an understanding of marine life in Sydney Harbour. It’s designed to gather knowledge and sighting information on a variety of marine life above, around and below the water. This includes fur seals, dolphins, sharks, whales, seahorses, little penguins and many more. Sighting information is gathered via scientific research and through citizen science contributions.
Operation Crayweed
Crayweed once formed dense beds on shallow reefs all along the Sydney coastline, but sometime during the 1980s it all disappeared! They may not be the most glamorous of sea creatures, but they’re among the most important, providing critical food and habitat that support hundreds of species. Operation Crayweed aims to bring crayweed and re-establish this essential habitat and food source for Sydney’s coastal marine biodiversity.
Operation Posidonia
​Healing old wounds and restoring underwater meadows! Seagrass meadows are one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth. They provide food and shelter to hundreds of species, including all-time favourite marine conservation icons like sea horses. In late 2021, Operation Posidonia was launched in Botany Bay (Kamay). This highly developed estuary serves as Sydney’s gateway to the rest of the world.
Until recently microplastic pollution presented scientists with a crisis that was invisible to the human eye. If no one could see the scale of the problem, how could they convince communities and government to engage with the biggest threat to ocean wildlife and the human food chain? By engaging communities in citizen science to monitor micro plastic and feel connected to the natural world this project is inspiring change for a sustainable future.
Tangaroa Blue
​Tangaroa Blue is dedicated to the removal and prevention of marine debris. The Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) is an on-ground network of volunteers, communities and organisations that contribute data to the AMDI Database and work on solutions to stop the flow of litter at the source. The AMDI helps communities look after their coastal environment by providing resources and support programs.
Take 3 for the Sea
Humans need a healthy ocean for survival but plastic pollution is killing wildlife and suffocating the planet? Take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or
anywhere and make a difference. Take 3 supporters remove 10 million pieces of rubbish annually with participation in 129 countries and have educated more than 500,000 people. Join the movement and help make plastic pollution a thing of the past.
Harbour Reef Life Survey
The survey is a first-of-its kind interactive digital tool for tracking the health of vital reef ecosystems all around the world. Reef Life Survey seeks to INSPIRE change in reef management and policy, build greater public knowledge through its outputs & provide resources for marine enthusiasts to learn more about the marine life they interact with.
Saving Norman
Norman is the affectionate name given to a grey nurse shark regularly encountered by Bondi swimmers. But the shark nets threaten Norman and the 40+ other rare grey nurse sharks which regularly visit Bondi. In 2020 DPI recorded more than 90% of the catch as non-targeted bycatch, with about half classified as vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered. The Saving Norman campaign is educating the public about how shark nets kill marine life without protecting swimmers and promotes evidence-based solutions to swimmer safety. Join up to build broad community support for ending the shark meshing program.
Bluebottle Watch
​ Many Australians have had a painful bluebottle sting, yet little is known about bluebottles and what brings them to the coast. This project aims to shed new light on bluebottle dynamics, pathways, and distribution of bluebottle beachings with an innovative combination of lab work, ocean surveys, statistical and hydrodynamic modelling to fill knowledge gaps and ultimately develop the first bluebottle risk prediction tool for our popular beaches in partnership with Surf Life Saving Australia.
The Gamay Initiative
​Sydney Seahorses are not the travelling type. They like to find a “happy place”, “fall in love” and give birth. So, when their habitat is lost, they’re lost too. SeaBnB is providing happy homes and restoring vital habitat for endangered seahorses in Sydney Harbour. By deploying Seahorse BnBs adjacent to existing seagrass beds in Sydney Harbour, and locating and tagging wild Sydney Seahorses this project can determine how seahorses utilise the natural habitat compared with the artificial habitats and how the addition of Seahorse BnBs can aid recruitment and breeding.
Australian Fishes Project
​The Australasian Fishes project allows the public to upload, identify and comment on observations of Australian and New Zealand fishes.
It's a collaboration between the public, industry partners and professional ichthyologists at a number of Australian and New Zealand museums and other fish-related institutions.
Give Flake A Break
Shark Champions is a collective of everyday Australians working towards better conservation outcomes for sharks in our oceans. The term 'Flake' is used as a catch-all label for multiple types of shark meat, inhibiting consumers from distinguishing sustainable meat from endangered species meat. 'Give Flake a Break' is a pledge to support conservation initiatives and protect our endangered sharks and rays.
Over the course of our Fair Catch campaign, we will take a closer look at different seafood and seafood labelling practices all around the country.
You’re needed on the Fishy-Leaks team to help find and expose potentially problematic imported seafood in supermarket freezers, on fish market counters and restaurant menus.
Love Our Sanctuaries
The NSW coastline is home to a unique mix of tropical and temperate marine life. Iconic species, such as the critically endangered grey nurse shark, the beautiful weedy sea dragon and an array of other fish species. However, less than 7% of the NSW coastline is currently protected. Let the NSW government know that you want to see increased protection with more marine sanctuaries established across our beautiful coast.
Protecting Bluey
A petition calling for the full protection of the Eastern Blue Groper, a key shallow reef inhabitant. Only now is the role of this friendly fish in controlling urchin numbers being understood. This fish is slow-growing, long-lived and only reaches sexual maturity around 20 years of age. And it's vulnerable to overfishing. This dominant natural predator of urchins needs to grow large, old and flourish in numbers. The Blue Groper is only temporarily protected in NSW. This petition asks New South Wales to fully protect the Eastern Blue Groper to ensure the long-term sustainability of shallow reefs in the state.
Parsley Bay
Parsley Bay Reserve is a precious piece of paradise on the eastern fringe of southern Sydney Harbour, a sanctuary for people, plants, terrestrial animals, and marine life, a core community asset and a much-loved oasis replete with bushland, seagrass meadows, water dragons, endangered seahorses, eels, and even waterfalls after a fresh set of rain.
Major plans are afoot to install a raw sewerage pumping station in the heart of Parsley Bay. This has raised major concerns within the local community, scientific experts, and political advocates.
Parsley Bay would love your help. Protect this special place. Keep nature safe for decades to come.
Bongin Bongin Bay
The Friends of Bongin Bongin Bay is a non-political Mona Vale-based community group. Their goal is to have the Bay declared as a no-take Aquatic Reserve. To date, they have created a website, submission, branding, merchandise and petition as well as organised a successful World Oceans Day event attended by over 100 people at Mona Vale SLSC and and a presentation in the Jubilee Room at NSW State Parliament House attended by MPs and supporters. Blueworld patron Valerie Taylor AM gave them a prize for their efforts in August 2023.